D6DA13: Dock 6 Collective
Design & Art 13
Our yearly Design & Art show was hosted online via Instagram on June 27, 2020. All videos can be viewed here. D6DA13 featured 25+ designers and artists as well as interviews of the Dock 6 Collective partners conducted by Alison Cuddy, Artistic Director of Chicago Humanities Festival and former WBEZ host.
Our yearly Design & Art show was hosted online via Instagram on June 27, 2020. All videos can be viewed here. D6DA13 featured 25+ designers and artists as well as interviews of the Dock 6 Collective partners conducted by Alison Cuddy, Artistic Director of Chicago Humanities Festival and former WBEZ host.
Carson Maddox Studios
-ism furniture
Lagomorph Design
Navillus Woodworks
SAP Design
Carson Maddox Studios
-ism furniture
Lagomorph Design
Navillus Woodworks
SAP Design
We want to thank all of the artists who were able to take part in the 2020 Stay Home show. It's our hope that this archive of work can continue to be an inspiration in the years to come.
Thank you!
-Dock 6
Thank you!
-Dock 6
Dock 6 Partners interviewed
by Alison Cuddy
by Alison Cuddy
Alison Cuddy is the Marilynn Thoma Artistic Director of the Chicago Humanities Festival and former host of Eight Forty-Eight at WBEZ, the NPR affiliate in Chicago. She is the Vice-Chair of Mayor Lori Lightfoot's Cultural Advisory Council and a board member at the Arts Club of Chicago.